With the turning of time we are always changing, growing, healing and integrating. Our paths take many twists and turns and oftentimes it can be helpful to take a step back and reflect on where we have been, what we have created and what we wish for the future.
When we experience a rite of passage we return with a fresh perspective and a new and empowering story; one that includes a sense of personal responsibility in all aspects of our lives and beyond to the wider world. We are also connected to our community; past, present and future. Connecting to the spirit of our ancestors, to our tribe, and to the children yet to be born. We appreciate our place in the Whole and the knitting together of the generations.
Times of transition present a wonderful opportunity for reclaiming our power and giving voice to our dreams. Marking the end of a chapter and beginning a new one through ceremony and ritual encourages a deeper and more loving letting-go of the past and a natural alignment to our new path.
Since our culture has lost a great deal of our inherited traditions and ceremonies, it is up to us to listen within and to the wisdom of nature, to remember and reclaim the ways of honouring and celebrating our transitions. As we welcome these times of change, we merge with the greater flow of life and cultivate deeper trust, acceptance and gratitude for all that unfolds.
This is where the magic lies...
There are as many reasons to hold ceremony as there are experiences in our life. It is up to us how we honour them, make sense of them and empower ourselves to move forward.
Whatever your inspiration or curiosity, I would be honoured to explore it with you. To give voice to that quiet whisper within or equip you with the tools to create something beautiful that will carry you forward feeling empowered and resourced.
I would love to hear from you.
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