You can purchase this beautiful artwork of the Wheel of the Year directly from the artist. Just click on the image to visit her shop.
The eight festivals of the Celtic Wheel of the Year provide a map of our natural cycles, creating energetic doorways through which we can cross the threshold to another stage of our life journey. They anchor us for a moment in this constantly changing world, to pause, reflect, celebrate and give thanks.
Since ancient times our ancestors lived their lives by the seasons; dependent on their Spring seeds growing through until harvest time to provide food through the long Winter. The Sun's rhythms dictated their daily lives and honouring the seasonal changes was a natural expression of their gratitude and recognition of their interconnectedness with the natural world. Through the observance of the eight seasonal festivals our ancestors cultivated an intimate and reciprocal relationship with the land they tended, and created meaningful bonds within their community through their shared experiences of ceremony. Now, more than ever, we need to come home to our place within Nature and acknowledge the ways we belong to the Earth.
The seasonal festivals provide a structure to the passing of time, reflecting the ways our own life begins, evolves, withers and ends, and also with each year, how we experience change in our life. As we move through the year we can align with the Earth's energy to support us in creating new projects, celebrating our successes, letting go of what we have outgrown, and transforming ourselves through the annual initiation of Winter. These cycles of birth, death and rebirth are the essence of the Wheel of the Year and carry within them the wisdom of nature that was so well honoured and embodied by our ancestors, whom lived and worked in harmony with the natural world, aware of its rhythms and more subtle transitions.
Attuning to the passage of the Sun, appreciating the journey through the light and the darkness, we embody a fuller and more vital expression of ourselves that is in direct relationship with the creative force of Nature. As we align with this force, we can tap in to a wellspring of potential and support that empowers us to welcome the changes in our life, embrace the darkness and remember our place within the Web of Life.
The Wheel of the Year is marked by the four fixed Quarter Points - Winter/Summer Solstice and Spring/Autumn Equinox - and the Cross Quarter Points - Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas, also known as the great fire festivals. Each festival has a distinctive flavour and focus, with associations to different Gods and Goddesses, trees and myths. As well as some of the ancient rites and rituals that continue to be celebrated by Earth Lovers, we can create our own seasonal ceremonies that honour our relationship with the natural world. Whether with your family, alone or with your community, these festivals invite us to remember and re-imagine what is sacred in our lives. To create beauty, sow seeds of kindness and unity, and celebrate this miracle of being alive.
To connect more deeply with these rhythms and affirm your intention at these powerful doorways, I invite you join any of my in-person or online events and to make use of the guide below to enrich your understanding of the eight festivals. There are plenty of ideas for creating seasonal rituals, suggestions for connecting with trees and some history and folklore associated with the Wheel of the Year.
I love to weave ceremony around the time of the seasonal festivals, creating a sacred space to dedicate gratitude, share in celebration and anchor intentions for the new cycle.
I often hold events around these times that you are welcome to join, or if you wish to create a bespoke ceremony for you and/or your community, get in touch and let us vision something special together!
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